The amount of imperial authority you wish to add to the emperor. The amount added is equal to the number specified multiplied by 100: an amount of 1 would add 100 natives. The ID of the province you wish to add population ID. This list includes over 740 state cheat codes for the most recent HOI4 version on Steam (PC) for use in console commands. If a heir already exists, this command will replace the heir with a new heir. set_base_production [province id] [value]. The first Idea of Exploration Ideas adds a Colonist. Specifying a country tag as a second argument will result in this command changing the age of that country's ruler. Use 'timer' to see results/data collected. The message that you wish to print to the console (can include spaces). The progress to set for the missionary, a number between 0 and 100 (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%). Specify a negative number to remove loyalty. Some nations are better equipped than others to become colonial powers, however, and it's important to make your choice carefully. This command can be used to set the number the combat dice will roll to, meaning it will no longer be random. Optional. This command adds an idea group to the country with the specified country tag. Optional. This command will toggle (enable and disable) yesman mode. This command adds a diplomatic enroute to the country with the specified tag. The tag of the country you wish to add to your interest. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset. Is it possible to increase coring distances from core provinces? : eu4 If game controller support is disabled (default), typing this command will turn it on. Cheat events, the list of which is below, bring even more interesting features. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the second number is the CID index. what you want it to be called). The ID of the province to spawn the unit in. The admiral's Shock rating, a number from 0-6. If not specified, this command will toggle AI for all nations. Note that this will end a cooldown that is currently in place, not remove the cooldown for every migration (e.g. This command will toggle the visibility of the game's GUI - with this option in game things like menus and toolbars will be hidden. This command shows the modifier values (boosts, etc) for the specified province ID. When a province is assimilated, ownership is switched over (to the assimilating country), it is cored, and both its culture and religion are changed to that of the assimilating country. The name of the newly created heavy flagship (i.e. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the first number is the CID type. HOI4 State IDs List | HOI4 Cheats This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). The country tag of the country you wish to permanently claim the specified province for. This debug command prints data from timing tests to the game's log file. The country tag of the country you wish to annex the first specified country. This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. Syntax add_colonist [country tag] Country Tag The tag of the country you wish to add a colonist to. Names: Optional. The country tag of the country that you wish to play as. Specify a negative number to remove liberty desire. This command will copy to your clipboard all timer info. The ID of the unit to spawn in the specified province. Negative numbers will remove money. This command will set your country's military leader's trait to the trait with the specified trait ID. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. Increasing colonial range | Paradox Interactive Forums This command adds the specified amount of humans to your current country. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. This command reloads the game's trade winds. Just go into a non-ironman game, cheat yourself the appropriate non-Gibraltar territories and ideas, and turn on colonial range mapmode. See argument information for subject types and IDs. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove diplomatic power from. clr_consort_flag [country tag] [flag id] DLC: Rights of Man. If not specified, FoW will be toggled everywhere. The ID of the province you wish to clear the flag from. This command reloads the specified file. If not specified, the effect of this command will be applied to the country you are playing as. This command enables and disables (toggles) smooth frame logging. This is a toggle debug command. Optional. Optional. This command prints information about the game's texture usage to the console. The ID of the character to pass to the event. The colonized province will become a core with the province's original characteristics (like religion and culture). This command disables Great Power Frenzy. This command adds the faction with the specified name to the country you are currently playing as. This debug command asserts the specified trigger. If, as a second argument, a file name is provided (e.g. add_liberty_desire [amount] [country tag]. This command can be used to add and remove military power to/from a specified country. If executed without a command as an argument, a list of all commands will be printed to the console. This console command sets the devotion of the country with the specified tag to the specified amount. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove prestige from. If a country tag is specified as an argument, this command will apply to the country with that tag. The ID of the estate agenda you wish to start. If not specified, the country you are playing as will become the overlord. The tag of the country you wish to change inflation for. Specify a negative number to remove doom. The number of the map mode you wish to change the map to. This command will start a reformation within the province with the specified province ID. Age of Empires Cheats. add_to_curia_treasury [amount] DLC: Emperor. This command toggles the state/territory status for a specified province. 'echo test 123' would print 'test 123' to the console. Optional. This command will print the value of the specified modifier for the target country. This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. This command adds a specified amount of local autonomy to the province with the specified ID. The amount you wish to set the specified country's horde unity to. See tags at. I'm a student living in Phoenix, AZ. Instant colonization, as you might've guessed, makes colonization instant. This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. Europa Universalis 4: Best Nations To Take Exploration Ideas - TheGamer Specify a negative number to reduce Revolutionary Zeal. golden_age [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. As you can see, the list of different cheat codes for Europa Universalis 4 is really extensive. declare_war [country tag] [country tag] [call allies]. Format of YYYY.MM.DD - for example 1600.10.20 for 20th October 1600. The name of the file containing the commands you wish to run. A number between 0 and 100. This debug command will debug your game's save system. My guess is using that math on all colonial regions will give you a grand total above 100. If a country tag is specified, it will be executed within that country. The ID of the court member you wish to change the culture of. This command removes the wait time required for a enroute diplomats to be appointed (ignores the date check). EU4 Console Commands List | EU4 Cheats The country tag of the country that declared the casus belli (the other country involved in the casus belli). If not specified, the country you're playing as will be affected. This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. The value you wish to set the specified province's base production to. This debug command will print debug data for the AI budget relating to the country you are playing as. This debug command will highlight all provinces that would be classified as an island under the specified threshold (as in, those that the 'Province is on an island' condition would apply to). Use the command 'frenzy' to enable. The ID of the global flag you wish to clear. The name of the command you wish to receive help information for. favors [country tag] [amount] DLC: The Cossacks. Specify a negative number to remove. The country tag of the country you wish to remove from your country's interest. If a province ID is specified, it will be toggled in that province, if not, it will be toggled in all provinces. Province manpower is base manpower * manpower efficiency * local autonomy. This command adds the specified amount to the specified province's base unrest. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. A file name to save a log file to. This command stops the debug timer from collecting data. Victoria 2 Cheats If someone else gets there first, make sure they can't expand eastward through Arizona or Oregon. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. Court member IDs: The ID of the culture you wish to set the court member's to. A number. The ID of any option for the specified event (where applicable). This console command creates a center of trade with the specified level (1-3) in the specified province. This command adds the specified amount of trust (from your current country) to the specified country tag. If not specified, this command will apply to the country you are currently playing as. amount of provinces - 5 because you can reduce a colonial nation to just one province by conquest and form your own. See argument information for where to place the file. This command removes a claim a specified country has made on a province. The province ID of a province that is a member of the Trade Company you wish to toggle the investment for. This is a debug command - it will validate all events (and won't trigger them). This cheat command kills all court advisors (along with those from the pool) for the country with the specified country tag. Country Tags This command makes the specified country the game's 'revolution target'. Colonial range - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis The tag of the country you wish to change the horde unity of. Blog; Other Command Lists . The ID of the trait you wish to remove from your ruler. If you do not specify an amount, the default (500) will be added. The country tag of the country you wish to add navy tradition to. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. This command sets the base manpower (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. The tag of the country you wish to integrate into another. The ID of the province you wish to change the controller of. Optional. A permanent claim does not expire. You can read my blog with a click on the button above. See. If you specify a second country tag, the consort will be of that nationality. Optional. 3. Terrain ingcognita is the hiding of unknown (i.e. The ID of the province you wish to view province modifiers for. This is a toggle command. Specify a negative number to remove army tradition. The amount of stability to add. change_religion_court [court member id] [, This command sets the religion of the specified court member to the religion with the specified ID. This command adds a missionary to the country with the specified country tag. Powers are administrative, military, diplomatic, etc. The amount of corruption you wish to set for the target country - note that this will set the country's corruption to this value, not add this to the existing amount. EU4 cheats - a quick guide to console commands | PCGamesN The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. How to increase colonial range? :: Europa Universalis IV General change_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]. add_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag]. The tag of the country you wish to kill a cardinal within. This command ends the cooldown that limits how soon a country can start another mission after cancelling a previous mission. This debug command prints to the console 'Not Successful'. Increase colonial range quickly? : r/eu4 - reddit This command adds a colonist to the country with the specified country tag. This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. If the two specified countries are already integrating, this command will instantly complete the integration process. Specify a negative number to remove progress. This command kills a random leader (from any country in the game). This is a toggle command. This command sets the Chinese Emperor of the specified country's meritocracy to the specified amount. To colonize in EU4, you'll need to settle new lands with colonists, which you can get from the Exploration or Expansion idea groups, the former of which lets you reveal more of the map with Quest for the New World. This debug command prints to file (stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV) the current gamestate modifiers. This command sets the culture of the specified court member. Optional. The country tag of the country you wish to protect/control the other specified country tag. incident [shinto incident id] [country tag], insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id], religious_school [religious school id] [country tag]. This debug command will refresh to performance counter for knowledge. The tag of the country to add the sailors to. All countries below this limit will be highlighted. The country tag of the country you wish to add the specified amount of money to. The tag of the country the first specified country should be a march for. See our, This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. /u/Atroxity is correct, it's based on colonial range. The amount of spy network points to add. This debug command initiates a forceful reevaluation of all planned army movements by the AI. Europa Universalis IV Cheats - PC Cheats Wiki Guide - IGN May crash the game. The test ID of the code test you wish to run. The amount of money you wish to add to the treasury. The country tag of the country you wish to end all wars they are involved in. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. This cheat makes the specified country no longer a rival of your current country. The country you were playing as before will be controlled by AI. change_religion [country tag / province id] [religion id]. Add_core Command Help & Examples | EU4 Cheats Religion IDs: The amount of church power you wish to add - specify a negative number to remove church power. If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. Any keys that are unlocalized will be saved to the games log file (at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs). This command adds a country (specified by a country tag) to your interest. This command will reload all regions on the map - useful for debugging and fixing bugs. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. See argument information for where to place the file. The ID of the province you wish to start a revolt within. It is useful to make an army reevaluate decisions if conditions have changed but the game is not updating. The year at which, when reached, the command file should be ran. If not specified, the province will be claimed for your current country. There is no cheat to do exactly what you want but you can probably use "own <province id>" if you have to. Specify a negative number to remove power. The country tag of the country imposing aggressive expansion on the first specified country. This debug command prints a list of test entities for all nations to the local_temp.log file which can be found at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs. The tag of the country you wish to be the aggressor (start the war). The country tag of the country you wish to spawn the leader for. The tag of the country you wish to make this a core of. The amount of trust to add. tributary [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). army_professionalism [amount] [country tag]. If a country tag is specified, the country with this tag will instead have their diplomatic power changed. HOI4 Console Commands The ID of the province you wish to remove the core status from. This command changes the owner of a specified province to the specified country. 'English'). This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction. This command starts a native uprising within the province with the specified ID. Sender. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. The tag of the country you wish to kill the heir to the throne in. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. 'civil_war'. The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). This command can be used to change the frequency of the random sounds emitted from the combat view. This command causes the game client to go out of sync (OOS). HOI4 Event IDs Victoria 2 Event IDs The ID of the province you wish to view province flags for. This command removes the specified trait from the ruler of the country you are currently playing as. EU4 patch 1.17 JANGLADESH on very hard mode one tag AAR: Visit Jangladesh! It polls valid events. The amount of Revolutionary Zeal you wish to add. add_local_autonomy [province id] [amount]. The ID of the mission you wish to toggle mission completion for. 4110 6yrs +10% colonial range +1 stab or +50 prestige and +10 Colonial Range 4114 6yrs +1 stab and .25 a m or +50 prestige and .25 4115 6yrs +1 stab +10 land force limits or +50 prestige and +10 land force limits 4116 6yrs +1 stab +10% discipline or +50 prestige 4117 6yrs +15 reinforcement speed 4118 6yrs +1 stab +10% manpower investment
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